join table condition not working correctly
I am using PostgreSQL databsae.
I have the following:
table A (id int, run_dt date , vrsn_num int, metric_1 varchar, attr_2 varchar);
primary key (id, run_dt, vrsn_num)
table B (id int , run_dt date, vrsn_num int, id_2 int , attr_5 varchar , attr_1 varchar);
primary key (id, run_dt, vrsn_num, id_2)
foreign key (id, run_dt, vrsn_num) references table A ((id, run_dt, vrsn_num)
when I drag the tables A and table B on to the Query builder, the default join condition is not built correctly
table A inner join table B on (table = table B.run_dt and table A. run_dt = table B . vrsn_num and table A.vrsn_num -= table B . id)
How do I ensure that the default join condition is built correctly ? Is this a bug?
Hello, Kiran.
We've failed to reproduce this issue. What version of FlySpeed SQL Query do you use? Can you send me the exact DDL statement of these two tables?