Upgrading from 3.5 to 3.7 - Lost all DB Connections and Queries!

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  • Not a bug

I had 3.5 installed with all my DB connections and queries configured. I found out on the website that there is a new v3.7.3 so I downloaded it (32 bit) and installed over my previous 3.5 installation. Now ALL my DB connections and queries have disappeared! I navigated to the folder where the queries are stored and they're all still there but FlySpeed SQL Query isn't reading them at all. Is there a way to import these from v3.5? I'd hate to have to recreate all these queries!



I am sorry for this problem. Actually, if you only need to restore queries, you've already found them. You can create a new connection and specify a directory to save queries for this connection to that directory: your queries will appear in the tree. 

If you want to restore the connection settings as well, please describe your situation. Please check if the "FlySpeed SQL Query.ini" file exists: 

a) in the program installation folder (by the way, have you installed the new version to the same folder?),

b) in the directory in AppData where you found your queries. 

What are their sizes and are the missing connection names exist in any of them when you open it with Notepad?

Next, please open the tool and go to the Settings - "Settings Storage Location..." menu, make a screenshot of that dialogue.

Ashraf Ballan

Yes, re-creating the connection and pointing back to the original directory worked. But my queries throw an error: "#3D000 No database selected"

The "FlySpeed SQL Query.ini" exists and looks just fine. It is in the AppData folder.

a) Yes, I installed over the previous version. The "FlySpeed SQL Query.ini" file here is empty.

b) The "FlySpeed SQL Query.ini" file here is filled with my config data. All my connections are here. See screenshot below, the path is pointing to the correct AppData folder where the ini file is.

I would very much prefer to have all my settings/connections back the way they were. Thanks.


The "No database selected" error may arise because you did not specify the default database in connection properties.

Probably, you installed the new version in the "Portable mode", that's why you've got empty "FlySpeed SQL Query.ini" file which prevents reading data from the Registry. Please delete this empty file and start the tool. Hopefully, you will see your previous connections. If not, please change the name of "FlySpeed SQL Query.ini" in the AppData and delete all *.flg" files.

This is not the dialog I expected to see. Open the  Settings - "Settings Storage Location..." menu.

Ashraf Ballan

Deleting the "FlySpeed SQL Query.ini" under the Program Files folder did the trick! All my settings/connections are back now.

Thank you very much!

Andrey Zavyalov, PM
  • Not a bug