
Additional database connections broken under Wine

  • updated
  • Completed


I have been successfully running Flyspeed on Wine for many years.

However, since the upgrade from to or, I am unable to access additional databases added to the main connection. I am connecting to MariaDB and Postgresql servers. In fact, it is now impossible to add them at all. The search for the list of available databases returns nothing.

In addition, creating a new connection has also become problematic with Flyspeed being unable to lookup a list of available databases. I get an error about lost connection. Only by typing in the database name manually have I been able to create a new connection.


Hello, Gian.

Sorry for this problem.

I've just uploaded the new version which hopefully fixes this problem. Please download it and let us know if the problem persists on your side.


Gian van der Spuy

Hi Sergey

The new version is a partial improvement in that I can now add multiple databases to a connection. However, they are not retained on exiting the program.

In addition, it is still not possible to add a database to a new connection.

Using a direct connection to the server gives the error:
#28000Access denied for user 'xxx'@'###.###.###.###' (using password: YES)

Using a ssh tunnel gives the error:
Lost connection to MySQL server during query


Hello, Gian.

Hopefully, the new version fixes the problem completely. Please let me know if there are still some problems exist.

Gian van der Spuy

Hi Sergey

Thank you for your efforts to solve this problem.

It is almost completely fixed.

I can now add multiple databases to a connection and they are retained after restarting the application.

However, I can create a new connection only if I manually type in the name of the default database.
Attempting to 'get a list of available databases' for the default database field in a new connection results in the same 'Lost connection to MySQL server during query' error.

Perhaps this is because the connection details have not yet been saved at this point?


Hello, Gian.

Thank you for your feedback. It really helps us to make our software better. The latest version hopefully fixes the last problem. Please let us know if it's not true.

Gian van der Spuy

Hi Sergey

Everything is working fine again. Thanks so much for sorting it out.


Thanks, I am glad to know that.