How to turn the connection logging on?

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When tables or fields aren't properly loaded you can instruct the tool to prepare the connection log file and send it to us for investigation.

Follow the steps below to prepare the log file.

1. Open the Connection Properties dialog and turn on the "Write connection log" option.


2. Click OK and connect. 

3. Reproduce the problem (open a query or expand the problematic tree node).

4. Make a screenshot of the tool.

You can press the PrintScreen button to get the image of what you see on the screen to the Clipboard, then paste it into the text of the email. In Windows 10 you can press the Win+Shift+S and select a rectangle to be copied to the clipboard.

5. Close the connection and you will be prompted to open the folder containing the log file.


6. Find the .log file with the name of your connection and send it together with the screenshot to us for investigation.


7. Turn the logging off in the Connection Properties dialog.

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