Grouped columns automatically are changed to COUNT() upon saving or executing the query
I'm using a registered copy of FlySpeed SQL version My OS is Windows 7 Professional 64bit (Version 6.1.7601). The database server I'm communicating with is a PostgreSQL instance. The version string of it is "PostgreSQL 9.4.1, compiled by Visual C++ build 1800, 64-bit" and it is running on a different machine also on Windows 7 64bit.
Now I have a problem and I think it is a bug:
After I enter the following simple query
Also the Query Builder does some weird stuff. I took two screenshots, one before and one after saving the query:
Notice, that the 'ao."Lieferung"' column is now listed three (!) times. I don't think, that this is how it's supposed to work.
Please take a look and see if you can reproduce this case. If so, I kindly ask to remedy this issue.
Best regards,
A otherwise happy customer,
Christoph Schmeisser
I'm using a registered copy of FlySpeed SQL version My OS is Windows 7 Professional 64bit (Version 6.1.7601). The database server I'm communicating with is a PostgreSQL instance. The version string of it is "PostgreSQL 9.4.1, compiled by Visual C++ build 1800, 64-bit" and it is running on a different machine also on Windows 7 64bit.
Now I have a problem and I think it is a bug:
After I enter the following simple query
Select ao."Lieferung", count(*) As "Column1" From atomic_outbound_transport ao Where ao."Lieferung" = 'test123' Group By ao."Lieferung"and save or execute it, it becomes automatically this query
Select count(ao."Lieferung"), count(*) As "Column1" From atomic_outbound_transport ao Where ao."Lieferung" = 'test123' Group By ao."Lieferung"which is totally differnt from the original query and makes no sense at all.
Also the Query Builder does some weird stuff. I took two screenshots, one before and one after saving the query:
Notice, that the 'ao."Lieferung"' column is now listed three (!) times. I don't think, that this is how it's supposed to work.
Please take a look and see if you can reproduce this case. If so, I kindly ask to remedy this issue.
Best regards,
A otherwise happy customer,
Christoph Schmeisser
The problem is fixed in version